You can cancel parking at any time, before the booking time starts.
If you cancel after the start time, you will be charged a cancellation fee.
To cancel before parking start time:
1. Customer can cancel booked parking only via our mobile application
2. Open our mobile app & click on “My Booking” section
3. Choose the parking, which you want to cancel, from “Upcoming Booking”
4. Click on the ellipsis icon (three dots) and choose cancel booking
5. Customer will receive a cancellation confirmation
Other Terms:
1. Cancellation is only allowed before your parking time starts
2. Customer will be charged for first hour if you do not cancel booking and do not turn up as well
3. Management has rights to auto cancel booking if customer did not turn up within first 30 minutes from booking time and customer will also be charged for first hour.
4. Management reserved the right to cancel and confirmed booking in case of any unwanted circumstances occur in the premises.
Cancellation fees vary by city and by product, but are typically between Rs 20 - Rs 50.